
 Cylindrical beeswax candle

Cylindrical candles have the shape of common candles measures 150 mm height and diameter 18 mm, weighing 37 grams and burned for about 5 hours. Normally the beeswax candle burn three times more slow than paraffin candle.

How to make the cylindrical candles molds

Must be other ways, employing other materials and methods, to make cylindrical candle molds. I chose to do using silicone resin because was assured that the candles would not be stuck in the mold and also do not need the use of any release agent to facilitate the removal. This way of making the mold, will also be limited to small scale production (24 candles at a time) to amounts artisan and is not feasible for large quantity.

Was used as template for candle mold one stick of  Celeron, a material made of paper and fabric impregnated with phenolic resin and compressed under pressure. The material is rigid enough that you can open hole and thread smoothly. Was made two holes, one on each end.


Was made a screw thread of 3 mm to fix the dowel base.

Here all 24 dowels with holes and thread.

Initially I put this piece in blue at the end of the dowel to leave the candle with a tip. Shortly after I left, because this tip is very thin and some broke when unmolding. The piece of wire at the tip of the blue piece was placed directly on the dowel. This wire forms the hole for wick.

Was marked the template for position of dowels, one on the first drawing paper and then marking the MDF 15 mm.

3.5 mm holes to pass the screw that will hold the dowels.

Dowels are positioned and fixed.

The sides of the container box is MDF of 15 mm and that design has two parts to facilitate assembly.


After coated all parts and containment box with solid vaseline, the mold is ready to receive the silicone resin.

Here is how it looks after pouring the silicone resin catalyzed. It is important to avoid bubbles which could leave the mold with imperfections. To minimize this, pour the silicone mold on a certain point, even if you have to climb on a chair to do this and let fell fillets, spreading throughout the mold.

After 5 hours the mold can be unmolded and ready to be used.

Bottom of the mold with the holes for wicks.

The finished mold for cylindrical candles with box and graphics. Was placed wick holder support, which are little tubes of brass with a spring system which allows placing and removing rapidly. As to the wicks holder is used hairpins. At the bottom of the box holes are aligned with holes in the silicon mold, for the passage of the wick.

Once the candles are made very simple. First is passed the wick top to bottom with the aid of a big needle made of one piece of wire. A tip is attached to the bottom of the box and the other is positioned in the center and secured with hair pin supported on the little tubes of brass. Then just pour the melted beeswax, wait solidify, remove the little tubes, remove the hair pin, clean and remove excess wax candles.