Small votives beeswax candles
These small diameter cylindrical plugs 48 mm and a height of 32mm are easy to make using forms of aluminum or zinc that are sold commercially to make paraffin candles. These materials will require the use of a mold release wax to prevent sticking to the traditional molds and also have the possibility of cracks with the rapid cooling. To avoid these problems we can construct silicone molds.
First you do a base the size of the mold end with modeling clayDraw the position and quantity of molds, here are six, in a transparent plastic sheet and cut out the outline.
Place the molds on the basis and aligning the contour cut. These molds are aluminum and are sold in stores for candlr wax craft. Open a hole in the center to position the wire for the passage of the wick. The wire is fixed inside with a little clay. Lightly press each mold to fix in the clay. Remove the plastic sheet.
Place the containment box aligning with the base of clay.
Prepare silicone resin and pour into the box. Fill up to the height that the ends of the wires remain exposed about 5 mm. Wait for 5 hours to cure the silicone resin.