Safety in the first place
- Prepare your workplace and keep it organize.
- Educate your family and special care with young children.
- Be sure you understand the process.
- Wear rubber gloves and safety glasses.
- Never leave the hot oil unattended.
- Never leave the soda and soda solution unassisted.
- Work with method.
- Do not get distracted at work.
- Clean up spills immediately.
You do not need many things and sophistication to start doing crafts of soap manufacture. You can use the basic appliances in your kitchen, such as glass, plastic or stainless steel (avoid using aluminum), the balance that you weigh the ingredients of recipes, the stove or microwave, electric mixer or hand batter wireframe (fouet), the silicone spatulas, finally, is perfectly can start this way. Do not be afraid that the handling of the components in the preparation of your soap, with the use of household items go bring some kind of contamination, it is absolutely safe. Surely the detergent chemical petrochemical source that you use in your kitchen has more potential danger to your health.
You can use a styrofoam box for ice cream as a mold and lining with plastic film for kitchen and then use a knife to cut the bars.
Polypropylene plastic containers and glassware used in laboratory.
The ideal is to have a scale that weighs with a decimal, but is expensive. You can use a kitchen scale with accuracy of 1 gram and important that has quick response weighing. As an option to weigh the 10th, can be a Tanita 1479V which is often used as a standard in goldsmith works and not too expensive, weighs no more than 120g.
You need a thermometer to greater accuracy in the process of making soap. Those are used to check the food temperature are digital and very practical.
There are many types of mixer, choose one that has at least 150W of power and has a long stem for easy handling.
To leave the soap drying a rack is good to have, a well-ventilated. It can be wood, like those that use.
To guarantee that everything was done without errors and with the alkalinity soap is appropriate, it is necessary to check the pH. Can be used a pH paper or invest in digital portable pHmeter.
If you go to hot process soap making, liquid soap or cream, it is worth investing in a crockpot slow cooking. Call crock pot in the USA, a manufacturer name, can be found here (in Brazil) on Asian goods stores.The white is 2 liters capacity and another is of my friend Aline, is larger and more powerful.
This round mold is easier to do with PVC pipes used in construction. Easily found in stores of building materials, the diameter of 73mm is a good size. It has to be lined to prevent the soap from sticking.
Before making my cutters I used this conjugate mold. It is a conventional MDF mold having a slot guide to cut the soap. As cutter I used this kind of spatula/knife used in the kitchen.
Stamp made of brass to mark the soap with your logo.
Hello, I am from Greece and I would like to learn more about cream soap. As you say I have to get a password and I don’t know how to get it or if I have your permission to get one. In Greece they say that liquid soap can’t be thicker so I need your help. Please help my curiosity.
Thanks and bravo for your sight and beliefs.
Sorry for my English.
Hi Zinovia
Sorry but now I can not to share this topic about cream soap because I have commercial agreement with a company.
Please, I share times ago my tutorial of cream soap in the yahoo forum:
Hello Roberto, I’m from Serbia and now beginner in soap making. First, I want to thank you for everything you have written here, it is very useful.
I have a few questions about the round mold (molde redondo).
– Did you use round mold in practice and if yes what are the optimal dimensions (diameter 73mm x length __ mm)? Does the length of the mold could affect the process? Also, which material is recommended, PVC, PE, or HDPE?
– Did you notice any problem during gel phase because of small surface hole and high temperature that is released?
– Finally, what is the best technique for taking the soap out? Shaking or …?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards.
Hi Milan,
Nice to hear you!
I use PVC pipe that is used in building for water pipe line.
Normally this pipe has 73 mm of diameter.
As the PVC pipe has less than 2mm of thickness, the heat of saponification is lost quickly, no problem in this issue.
Normally is necessary to use plastic sheet to void soap to stick on pipe wall
Thank you for reply and advice. I will try your way.